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  • drrevdm1  On April 26, 2024 at 12:38 pm


    “When the Gaithers sing about power in the blood, it must be power in the blood of Jesus.
    God bless…”

    HQ: Ya think?

    That is truly a shattering relevation.

    Doyle’s “ministry and teaching” were always a joke. It was like watching a first grader explain algebra to the rest of the class as Doyle “played church”.

    Even KSD has functionally given up trying to salvage the mess Doyle has made of WOL CULT. She seems to have abandoned her valiant effort to turn chicken s**t into chicken salad at the cult and has set her sights on ‘moving on’ to other areas. Doyle has said in the past that he would “preach his gawspel to an empty room” if everyone left him—-and that is one prophecy of his that seems to have largely come to pass.

    The solipsistic nature of the way Doyle always “reasoned” was on brief display over the weekend when he said that “Gawd” had given him (instructed him to read) the book of Ephesians—like no one else had ever read this book or considered its meaning.

    Naturally, Doyle did not go on to actually DISCUSS the writing and what it MEANS—but that is TYPICAL of the way Doyle ‘taught’.

    While Wikipedia is not THE definitive and final word on …..anything, the Wikipedia entry regarding ‘ Ephesians’ is an interesting starting point.

    As with many writings that are hundreds or even thousands of years old, there is some ‘debate’ about who even WROTE the epistle, since independent corroboration does not exist. The writing simply does not line up with the way known Pauline writings are constructed.

    Be that as it may, we will hardly settle that matter here. But leaving aside the ‘authorship’ questions, even the “MEANING” and “MESSAGE


    Letter of Paul to the Ephesians | Summary, Authorship, & Facts | Britannica

    Letter of Paul to the Ephesians, tenth book of the New Testament, once thought to have been composed by St. Paul the Apostle in prison but more likely the work of one of his disciples. The words “in Ephesus” are lacking in the earliest manuscripts and citations, and the author probably wrote the text sometime before 90 CE while consulting Paul’s letter to the Colossians (see Letter of Paul to the Colossians). Of the 155 verses in Ephesians, 73 have verbal parallels with Colossians, and, when parallels to genuine Pauline epistles are added, 85 percent of Ephesians is duplicated elsewhere.It is thus most reasonable to consider it as “deutero-Pauline”—i.e., in the tradition of Paul but not written by him.

    Whatever the TRUTH, we’d suggest that the core points of the writing are these: the general account of the blessings that the gospel reveals. This includes the source of these blessings, the means by which they are attained, the reason why they are given, and their final result. The whole of the section Ephesians 1:3–23 consists in the original Greek of just TWO lengthy and complex sentences. It ends with a fervent prayer for the further spiritual enrichment of the Ephesians.

    In Ephesians 2:11–3:21 there is a description of the change in the spiritual position of Gentiles as a result of the work of Christ. But probably more meaningful to Doyle is the fact that the writing It ends with an account of how Paul was selected and qualified to be an apostle to the Gentile(s).

    Doyle has always claimed (without evidence) that he himself was “CHOSEN BY GAWD” and THAT is why he’s large and in charge of WOL CULT. He recently reiterated his claim that “he’s the only person who can do this job”.

    It should be clear to all the Wollers at this point that Doyle will NEVER step aside and hand off the ministry to anyone else. He has nothing else to do and so he is going to ride the plane to the scene of the crash. There will be nothing left.

    It’s easy to see WHY Ephesians would resonate with a narcissistic tyrant like Doyle. Ephesians (5:22–6:9) is notable for its domestic code treatment , covering husband-wife, parent-child, and master-slave relationships.

    The key message DOYLE takes from the writing is SUBMISSION—-submission to HIM.

    Doyle’s “doctrine” is very clear in one regard. Scriptures calling for “obedience” always are INTERPRETED to mean that DOYLE IS TO BE OBEYED.

    To ‘question’ Doyle is to question “Gawd”.

    The functional reality of Doyle’s ministry (and ‘functional’ is not really the word for it) is that Doyle sits in his home and ruminates over whatever crosses his demented mind. He then attributes that to the “inspiration” or the “will of Gawd”. (He ‘claims’ Gawd inspired him to re-read Ephesians)

    We don’t quibble with Doyle “re-reading all or any part” of scripture. Whatever gets him through the night but there are ‘lessons’ throughout scripture for ALL OF US.

    Narcissists think DELUSIONALLY that they are all personally and exclusively directed at THEM—-and that’s simply not true.

  • Nick, enamored  On April 24, 2024 at 9:25 am

    Brethren: Aunt Kathie has posted a video on her Facebook page that is absolutely worthy of your time. She regales the small throng with numerous stories of her 40 years as a member of WOL. Truly riveting information. It’s obvious that the congregants regard her as their long-distance pastor. It appears she’s expanding her outreach with a Tuesday night and Thursday night prayer and Bible study. So, we assume either Grandpa attends the meetings or he has a sitter. AK is doing her thang.

  • drrevdm1  On April 19, 2024 at 10:38 am


    The Middle East is teetering on the brink of WW3. All that it would take is for some lunatic to go ‘off script’ and do something REALLY STUPID.

    The “Apostle & Prophet” has not bothered to tell us what the “will of Gawd” is about all this. (We’d guess: “pray”.) So , if any of the Wollers are needing some words of encouragement or solace from their Apostle, it does not seem to be forthcoming.

    It seems “odd” that “Gawd” would not want his chosen people (the Wollers, not the Israelis) to have some ‘insight’ into what is coming. So, what will it be? All good ?  OR better lay in some preserved food, ammo and drinkable water into the bunker for the siege

    Here is what the Apostle posted on FB most recently:

    “Paul Miller and Malloy Miller were cousins of my mother, Alba Miller Davidson. I am Alba’s son. We are all descendants of Newell Miller and our ancestors were founders of Rhode Island.
    God bless,”

    That’s helpful. This is surely the kind of information the regular folks will clamor for in these perilous times. It is interesting to contemplate what a younger Doyle would think about the depths to which his “ministry” has sunk.

  • Nick, huge fan  On April 19, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Hey there, fellow aficionados … Aunt Kathy will be arriving this evening in beautiful South Bend, Indiana for her periodic assemblage of her faithful followers tomorrow. The weather will be cloudy with a high of only 48, so bring a sweater or woolies. She’s been advertising hot and heavy on various social media, and this reporter can hardly wait to soak up the sunshine she brings with her. Don’t miss it if you can.



    Looking forward to another move of God!

    See you there!

    Saturday, April 20 (420)

    Join us! There is live praise, testimonies, preaching of the gospel, prayer for the sick and deliverance.


    Remember, Indiana is not “weed” friendly in any way, so don’t even think about it. Not medical, not recreational. However, Michigan, only a stone’s throw away (pun fully intended) can accommodate you nicely, if you so desire.

  • drrevdm1  On April 17, 2024 at 9:17 am


    For some reason, Doyle/ KSD HAVE focused their laser-beam attention on “ministering to wimmen”.

    Here at MOL CULT, we think it may be a mistake to ignore roughly HALF of the world’s population. (even if three or four “men” do attend WOL CULT “services”, this hardly represents a thriving ministry.

    In an effort to sharpen the OUTREACH TO REAL MEN, MOL CULT has put together the following list of ideas for WOL CULT’S future men’s meetings that will surely spark ‘services’ that will minister to the cucks at WOL CULT:

    To wit:

    Monster truck races in the parking lot with chainsaws attached to them: Combining every man’s love of enormous pickup trucks and highly dangerous gas-powered cutting tools.

    Whiskey-tasting/axe-throwing combo event: There’s literally nothing that could go wrong by combining these two male-bonding experiences.

    A symposium of ‘great thinkers’ of WOL CULT join with Doyle in a round robin ‘discussion’ of the ‘social’ problems and ‘gender issues’ facing modern society . Don’t pass on the opportunity to learn from the world’s foremost teacher on masculinity and what Gawd expects concerning ‘normal sexual behavior. 

    Demos by a Karate master who goes through the crowd and kicks everyone male who attends in the crotch. It’s time to find out who the toughest men in the congregation really are.

    Apostle Doyle vs. Conor McGregor cage fight: An epic battle between a brash, loud-mouthed bully and Conor McGregor.

    Boxing a kangaroo: The past glowries blaze again when WOL CULT brings back this classic from the Jasper County fairs Doyle attended in his youth.

    Have all the guys share their feelings, hug each other, and then cry while singing “It Is Finished”: Just like the original WOL CULT Apostles used to do before the demons took them.

    Chippendales dancers: What good Christian man doesn’t want to watch a rousing performance by shirtless, oiled-up, masculine men wearing leatherette thongs? And the ladies will like it as well. (bring your own aerosol whipping cream.)

  • drrevdm1  On April 16, 2024 at 10:46 am



    We’ve spent far too much of our precious time on this Earth listening to and pondering the antics of the loony from Plan-Oh. Still, no matter how de-lulu a person IS, sometimes one has to take something of a stand against obvious craziness. That what the Forum did.

    Sharp-eyed readers of the Forum may have also noted that—-of late— the frequency and length of the commentary here have fallen off. This is probably a good thing and reflect——we suggest—-the ‘fact’ that the war is over when the enemy quits the battlefield. Doyle relatively quickly learned to NOT ENGAGE with the Forum.

    WOL CULT is gasping its last breaths like a dying fish flopping on the bank of Lake Lavon. Doyle—-as always—continues to proclaim his “great victory”—or “deliverance”—- or whatever. But as Doyle (and politicians and lawyers usually tell you)—in not so many words: Are you going to ‘believe’ what I TELL YOU or are you going to believe your lying eyes?

    SIDEBAR: Why are politicians usually lawyers? There are certain ‘professions’ (such as lawyers, ‘teaching’ , journalism, internet ‘influencers’, “activists” and probably others) whos JOB is to twist narratives to fit agendas. “Facts” can (and are) manipulated and the more skillful a manipulator one is, the more ‘influence’ (read: money) one has. In short: a “fact” is what the manipulator SAYS it is.


    Doyle attempted to muddy that water by repeatedly claiming—-by frequent references to the FALLACY OF APPEAL TO ‘AUTHORITY—–the “his teachings” were “Truth”. Doyle “spoke for Gawd”.

    We’ve spent years suggesting that it NOT SO and have offered up multiple examples of where and how “WOL CULT Theology” went off the rails and into La-La Land.

    Any reader familiar with the content here and AT THIS POINT who REFUSES to acknowledge just how insane Doyle is (AND WAS)—- and how wrong-headed his ‘teachings were—-is simply —-to coin a phrase—-beyond redemption.

    The lesson learned there may be (?) that holding on to delusional beliefs is somehow comforting to certain mentalities because the TRUTH CAN BE QUITE PAINFUL.

    Some people can obsess about something so much that they truly “believe” it’s REAL.

    We’ve all seen examples of people who ‘fall in love with’ a famous person that ruminates about them SO MUCH that they start to FEEL like they have a relationship with that person.


    These are people who cannot distinguish between the REAL WORLD the WORLD OF IMAGINATION.

    MOL CULT PRINCIPLE: Repetition and visualization —–in the matter of ‘relationships—-imagining being with someone—–sets up the FICTIONAL RELATIONSHIP of a deep level.

    For the truly mentally ill, a WHOLE WORLD—-or at least a ‘world view”——- is constructed in the mind———and no fact or set of facts can dislodge the “reasoning”. To even acknowledge that is to “doubt” and doubt is the first step to Hell.

    Just questioning the teachings of the leader is HERESY and it is THE ‘cardinal sin’.

    This is what CULTS DO, and sadly, there ARE people who are susceptible to such delusion.

    When ‘reality’ is too painful, there are those who will construct their own “alternate reality”—–one which, to them at least, is not quite as painful.

    Throw in some ‘spirtual’ sounding mumbo-jumbo and a speaker with the right ‘patter’ can attract a following.

    This is what Doyle did.

    He USED the ‘structure’ of a “Christian church” to assuage the doubts of most of those who INITIALLLY heard him and then twisted the Gospel message of Jesus to fit his own narcissistic delusions. In Doyle’s HEAD, it all made PERFECT SENSE. But all DELUSIONS “make sense” to those who hold them.

    This lasts until the real world comes a-knocking on your door. That’s when those who heard the doubts—BUT SUPPRESSED THEM—- start to fall away. Some people ‘saw through’ Doyle right away.

    A few never have.

    Doyle was convinced that those who left him would “return”—-but that hasn’t happened (and will not happen because you cannot ‘un-ring a bell’).

    Now Doyle SITS in his chair and obsessively “prays” while the world goes past his windows. Lost in his fantasy world, Doyle dreams of a resurgent and influential ‘ministry” that NEVER REALLY WAS AND NEVER WILL BE. (KSD seems to be following in his footsteps.)

    And that is the fate of PEOPLE WITH DELUSIONS.

    Doyle had begun to lose his ‘audience’ decades ago when his bizarre thought processes were no longer undeniable to the listeners. The End was ‘sealed’ when Doyle ‘doubled down’ on one after another of his deluded ‘relevations’.

    Forum readers know well what those delusions are. Or were.

    It is ‘interesting’ that Doyle uses the same ‘methods’ he used decades ago to quell the ‘doubts’ of the Blue Chairs. (Threats, fear of ‘judgment’ and the promise of some vague ‘reward’ tha will come ‘someday’. ) A major problem for him is that those methods just don’t work like they did then.

    People have heard too much, seen too much, KNOW too much about his ‘ministry’—–and no one is buying it.

    IF there is a lesson to be learned from Doyle’s experience, it may be—-we suggest—–that there REALLY IS SUCH A THING AS BEING TOO CRAZY TO BE SUCCESSFUL. At anything, but especially when one is in the BUSINESS of providing ‘spirtual guidance’.

    SO: in the End: what did it all mean?

    Doyle / WOL CULT is a cautionary tale to NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN PERSONALTIES.

    If a person has a ‘bad reputation’, in anything, that doesn’t mean he/she is necessarily wrong or evil, BUT IT BEARS FURTHER INVESTIGATION if you are investing significant time and resources in them.

    While we do believe that redemption is POSSIBLE, it is sadly too often true that—IN THE IMMORTAL WORDS OF THE GREAT PHILOSOPHER RON WHITE: “You can’t fix crazy.”

    Doyle is—-as they say in the grocery business—-past his ‘sell-by’ date. We think everyone at WOL CULT knows that—-they just don’t want to be the ones to tell that to HIM.

    Because look what happened to Antknee and Kaspareit.

    Not that we have any sympathy for them—-or really ANYONE who still supports Doyle. Can you really be surprised by the actions of a scorpion when it finally stings YOU?

    And it WILL sting you. It’s just a matter of time.

    That’s possibly the main take-away lesson from WOL CULT.

  • drrevdm1  On April 14, 2024 at 1:14 pm



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