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  • Bob  On November 24, 2015 at 11:31 am

    Tuesday Show – Looks like another Terry Mai’s Greatest Hits show. Doyle started out by saying that he’s in a war today, that the Holy Ghost inside him is interceding, talking in tongues. Years ago, he said, one day he prayed in tongues for 14 hours, prayed for money because he didn’t have any. He didn’t like the results. He said that people can pray in tongues while not having faith. I guess he was explaining why the 14-hours tongue did not work.

    Anyways, Doyle told viewers that he prayed in tongues yesterday for more than 4 hours, and started praying in tongues again this morning. He said that he is fighting the sins of gawd’s people that were laid upon him.

    Then he went right to the music torture, saying that he would be praying in tongues while the songs were playing.

    Although Apostle “Socks” had nothing to say (he wasn’t even asked), he is dressed a little more conservatively today, dark colors and a sport jacket.

    Next time Doyle is in a war, which will probably be tomorrow, I suggest that he give the groan prayer a shot. Perhaps he and “Socks” groaning together during the entire show might be effective. Heck, it’s worth a try.
    HQ: That’s how we saw it. Don’t waste your time watching this one. Doyle looked and sounded terrible.

  • Bob  On November 24, 2015 at 10:23 am

    Oops – The intercessory groaning prayer audio was made in December, 2014, not 2004.

  • MOL CULT HQ  On November 24, 2015 at 1:02 am


    Inspirational Messages from our newest commentator here at MOL CULT Headquarters: Col. Bat Guano, U.S Army Ret.

    “I hope this website isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it. “

  • Bob  On November 23, 2015 at 11:13 pm

    One of the last posts I made on Forum #2 was in regards to Doyle’s audio teaching on how to pray an intercessory prayer. For the sake of future new Forum readers who might not refer back to Forum #2, I want to repost this important prayer lesson here. Doyle, assisted by KSD, made this audio in December, 2004. The actual prayer begins 3 minutes, 50 seconds into the audio.


    The Forum wants to WARN LISTENERS about this audio. Make sure your floor is clean before you play this one because you’re going to be rolling on it.

  • MOL CULT HQ  On November 23, 2015 at 10:18 pm

    We’re still tweaking the new page and, due to an unanticipated demon, comment approvals may be somewhat delayed. We’ll try to got your posts approved as quickly as possible, but WE HAVE LIVES, YOU KNOW!!!

    We’er also trying to clean up the Old Forum 2 page after the move to the NEW page that you are currently viewing. As we were doing that, we saw a tedious MOL CULT ESSAY that we think bears another look, so we’re taking the liberty of inflicting it on you people on THIS page.

    Think of it as repetition—the way Doyle announces over and over that he sold his veterinary practice.



    We don’t often engage WOL on a doctrinal level because it mostly useless to even try to do so, but Doyle’s latest effort to convince his listeners that HIS is the only true understanding of Christianity requires at least an attempted rebuttal.

    What we’re going to put forward here is an OPINION, but it is an opinion based on evidence** other than just a dubious claim to hold “authority”. The “opinion” offered here is one which certainly does NOT CONFORM to Doyle’s teachings—which is one reason WHY Doyle has always been so dead-set against ANYONE DARING TO HOLD THEIR OWN OPINION. Anyone who disagrees with Doyle is—–according to him—simply wrong and doomed to the Pit because he (Doyle) speaks for Gawd and no one else does. We’ve written at length about WHY Doyle believes this, but today we’re going to take a run at refuting his claim **based on the historical record and his lack of understanding about it, not just his mental psychopathology.

    Doyle insists—despite a compelling lack of evidence for such a claim and in the presence of considerable evidence that his claim is diametrically opposite from the TRUTH—that WOL is a “ministry just like that of Paul and even Jesus”. In the rants Wednesday morning and Wednesday night, Doyle repeated his claim that HIS understanding supersedes the understanding of every other scholar, theologian, ’intellectual’—pseudo or real, seminarian, pastor, priest or preacher. Both of Doyle’s Wednesday ’sermons’ were—-basically—-demands that those listening to him STOP paying any heed to ANY doctrine or teaching that conflicts with his own (which is, he asserts repeatedly, the ONE TRUE FAITH AND UNDERSTANDING).

    In support of his ‘teaching‘ that EVERYONE MUST SPEAK THE SAME THING—-WHICH IN Doyle‘s mind is WHAT HE SPEAKS—— Doyle cherry picked (his favorite ’teaching’ technique) some writings of Paul which tell of his (Paul’s) efforts to “standardize” the Christian message. Wicked New Testament scholars know that there were significant DIFFERENCES between Paul and the “Jerusalem Christians” who were, after the death of Jesus, led by his brother James and the other Apostles. Paul was trying to establish himself as the “Apostle to the Gentiles”. The book of Galations recounts Paul’s ‘conference’ with James and the Jerusalem Apostles in which he was called to account for the fact that he was teaching a different Gospel than the one understood by by James and the others in Jerusalem as the Gospel of JESUS.

    [SIDEBAR: Doyle “identifies” with Paul for a variety of reason, not the least of which is that Paul’s designation as an “Apostle” is—-LIKE DOYLE’S—–self-conferred. Jesus did not call Paul to be an “Apostle”. Paul NEVER MET the living Jesus.]

    Given the historical fact that the Jesus Movement when he was ALIVE was an APOCALYPTIC and MESSIANIC THEOLOGY that was directed squarely at ISRAEL, Paul ‘saw’ his task as one of MODIFYING the teachings of Jesus to fit a wider world than just Israel. The followers of Jesus in Jerusalem were, when word got back to them of what Paul was doing with his outreach to the Gentiles in the name of Jesus, were less than totally pleased and he was (see Galations) called back to “explain himself“.

    The scriptures Doyle referred to Wednesday were PAUL’S EFFORTS to bring the Gentiles into “one accord”—to ‘standardize’, if you will, the DIVERSE LOCAL teachings being taught in the name of Jesus. Paul’s problem, if you will, was the natural result of what happens when local “authorities” substitute their own ideas and interpretations of Jesus’ teachings’ for the REAL TEACHINGS. To see what Paul was up against, it is helpful to know a bit of wicked history.

    Christianity as it existed in the late Roman Empire was heavily based upon the ecstatic and visionary experiences of Paul. Christianity, as we have come to know it, is Paul and Paul is Christianity. Its main elements are:

    1) the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ, God’s divine Son, based on his sacrificial death on the cross;

    2) receiving the Holy Spirit and the gift of eternal life guaranteed by faith in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead; and

    3) a glorified heavenly reign with Christ when he returns in the clouds of heaven.

    The mystical rites of baptism and the ‘Lord’s Supper’ function as experiential verification of this understanding of ‘salvation.’

    It is difficult for one to imagine a version of Christianity pre-dating Paul with none of these seemingly essential elements. Yet that is precisely what the evidence indicates.

    The original apostles and followers of Jesus, led by James and assisted by Peter and John, continued to live as Jews, observing the Torah and worshipping in the Temple at Jerusalem, or in their local synagogues, while remembering and honoring Jesus as their martyred Teacher and Messiah. They neither worshipped nor divinized Jesus as the Son of God, or as a Dying-and-Rising Savior, who died for the sins of humankind. They practiced no ritual of baptism into Christ, nor did they celebrate a sacred meal equated with ‘eating the body and drinking the blood’ of Christ as a guarantee of eternal life.

    The message of the “Jerusalem Christians” was wholly focused around their expectations that the kingdom of God had drawn near, as proclaimed by John the Baptizer and Jesus, and that very soon God would intervene in human history to bring about his righteous rule of peace and justice among all nations. In the meantime both Jews and non-Jews were urged to repent of their sins, turn to God, and live righteously before him in expectation of his kingdom.

    It was AFTER Jesus was killed that Paul became the most influential defining figure for Christianity, even beyond that of the historical Jesus. This is what got him into ‘hot water’ with James and the Jerusalem Christians. Although he had never MET Jesus “in the flesh”, Paul transformed Jesus himself, with his message of a messianic kingdom of justice and peace on earth—a message specifically directed to Israel—– to the symbol of a religion of otherworldly salvation in a heavenly world.

    The concept we would submit for your consideration is this: history, it is well know, is WRITTEN BY THE VICTOR. Paul’s teachings “won” and his is the Christianity that has become the definitive one. We have been long-conditioned to not truly recognize or understand that there are differences between what Jesus taught and what Paul taught.

    Our entire understanding of who Jesus was and is, of personal salvation, of “the second coming” of Christ and much more is formed, almost completely from the New Testament—which, as is well known, consists TO A GREAT EXTENT of the writings of PAUL. When the “Church Fathers” were considering—at the Council of Nicea, about 325AD—-what writings would CONSTITUTE THE BIBLE, what writings would be INCLUDED in the New Testament and what writings would NOT BE INCLUDED in the New Testament, PAUL’S WRITINGS formed the bulk of what those “fathers” wanted to promote. Other “gospels” were deemed HERETICAL and every effort was made to suppress, if not destroy them and wipe them from the historical record. They were very much successful in doing this—although not TOTALLY so, since remnants remain of “other” versions of “Christianity” that existed in the years immediately following the death of Jesus. A historical example of this is the attempt to destroy what have come to be known as the “Gnostic Gospels” which were finally found hidden at Nag Hammadi. The veracity of these writings is DISPUTED, but they DO exist and date from the earliest days of Christianity. SOMEBODY thought they were valid.

    People in the past 2,000 years as well as those in the ’modern era’ who have experience and education as Christians have been taught to see Paul’s work as a seamless extension of that of Jesus. Numerous scholarly authors in the last couple decades are saying, “Not so!”

    The concept bears repeating: Paul transformed the beliefs and practices of Jesus and subsequently of his original followers into a new and otherworldly religion that replaced the former Israel-and-earthly-kingdom focused (apocalyptic) sect of Judaism.

    When Paul taught that Christians must “speak the same thing”, he was essentially setting the “ground rules” for what was to become the form of Christianity that “took hold” through the world and eventually relegated the teachings of Jesus’ ORIGINAL followers —-whose faith was rooted in messianic apocalypticism—– to near total obscurity.


    Now people can disagree regarding what constitutes “true” Christianity: the original teachings of Jesus OR Paul’s expansion and extrapolations based (somewhat) on them. But one thing we believe we wicked unbelievers of Doyle’s “teachings can ‘agree’ on is this: no scriptural basis exists for assuming that Paul’s attempts to “get the early Christians to all sing from the same page” provides some kind of half-baked “justification” for DOYLE to claim that HIS doctrines and ‘teachings’ constitute the extension of Paulist doctrines—-and they CERTAINLY do not conform with the teachings of Jesus as they are revealed in the New Testament.

    Paul was basically attempting to SUPPRESS DISSENT in the early church of the Gentiles. Doyle took that action and embraced it as his own. Doyle has read about Paul’s efforts to get the early church “in one accord” and sees them as a way to JUSTIFY HIS OWN ATTEMPT TO SUPPRESS THOSE WHO OPPOSE HIS OWN ‘TEACHINGS. That is what was going on in the Wednesday sermons—-AND THAT’S ALL THAT WAS GOING ON.

    Doyle’s ‘teachings’ are idiosyncratic and based largely not only on a very superficial and unlearned ‘reading’ of scriptures but, to a disturbing extent, emanate from his own psychopathologies and his need to rationalize his own SIN.

  • MOL CULT HQ  On November 23, 2015 at 10:03 pm


    It was his rote opening followed by the usual question to his “co-host” Apostle Peters. “Do you have anything?”

    As usual, the Apostle’s answer was “Not at this time.”

    We are beginning to have some doubts as to whether a time in which he “has something’ will EVER arrive.

    Doyle was clearly having a problem collecting his thoughts and when Apostle Socks didn’t bail him out by SUGGESTING something for Doyle to riff on, Doyle HAD NOTHING and retreated to his usual fallback position of a repeated mantra.

    Doyle rather quickly tired of repeated himself with his “prayer” and called for the usual WOL BOYS videos to be played. That’s when we clicked off because………….there are limits.

    It seems that Socks the Apostle MIGHT want to earn his pay by tucking a note into his Bible that he could READ which would prompt Doyle into talking about SOMETHING on the show. Wind him up and let him RIP. That’s what people tune in to SEE. Ask him about anal licking or pornography or sex toys or whores. He LOVES to talk about that kind of stuff. Ask him about Lisa or “Baby John”. Ask him about his latest “night vision”. (Please don’t ask him about horses or anything related to his veterinary practice or hospital because……you know.)

    Programming Suggestion for Socks: It’s supposed to be a SHOW. Doyle isn’t hitting on all cylinders these days and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT. It’s up to YOU to keep the show going and you’re either going to have to SPEAK or prompt Doyle about a TOPIC. REMIND him what the PLAN was. If you know.

    These music videos are more Hell than we can take.

  • Bob  On November 23, 2015 at 9:28 pm

    Moderator – Okay, consider this a test post. It’s from Doyle’s July, 2010 “sermon” on wicked white bitches. This is Doyle imitating what a white woman might say.

    “Oh, I don’t want any white man, I want an ethnic. I just don’t want him bleached like Doyle Davidson. Oh, I know you wicked women, I know you wicked things. I’ll tell ya, you never bothered me when I wasn’t good enough for one damn one of ya. No, you had to have you somebody from some other country. God bless you wicked women, I’ve met many of you, many of you. You know what’s really neat? After I graduated University of Missouri, in about two or three years, and had one of the best equine practices in Texas…damn….Doyle became a famous man for wicked white bitches!”

    Here’s hoping the new Forum #3 is working well, so that we can continue reporting on the goings on at WOL.

  • tempmod  On November 23, 2015 at 8:00 pm

    Moderator : Tempmod here. Glad the forum is up and running again, Thank you for all your hard work. Thanks to all the posters and moderators that work so hard, posting news, and running the forum. We have a GREAT group here.l
    Cheers Everyone! 🙂

  • Moderator  On November 23, 2015 at 5:47 pm

    Bob and Apostle Al and moderators.. would you guys please post something to show me this is working now… thanks and also write me anything you are seeing and describe it on this comment with instructions not to post please…


  • Moderator  On November 23, 2015 at 5:27 pm

    OKAY PEOPLE! You’re back in biznezz…. I hope all of you have calmed down by now and you all can now take a deep breath!! Post all of your comments, but just know after 10,000 comments we have to revamp the site again to carry the weight!! As we truck on, I will be developing a newer more stronger site to help carry us onto whatever the next venture we all go into, but just know we will get the hidden comments not showing right now back as we develop this site more… Thank you people for all the support in helping us expose the darkness!

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