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  • drrevdm1  On June 17, 2024 at 11:26 am

    BUT FOR A MERE $2,000,000…………………

    On FB recently:

    “A certain organization*** is requesting a parking easement on the Water of Life parking lot. There will be no easements offered to anyone. The only one that can offer that would be myself, and there will not be any easements offered. God bless….”

    ***We wonder if it is Willowcreek seeking additional parking space. It has surely not escaped anyone’s attention at Willowcreek that WOL CULT attendance (and parking requirements) has cratered.

    It seems unlikely that attendance will increase. Even KSD seems to have given up and moved on. We also wonder if Real Estate Agent Jeez has had any nibbles on the property.

  • Doc DuMont  On June 17, 2024 at 8:34 am

    Out of retirement boredom, while waiting for my coffee to kick in, I looked at the Sunday Morning Extravaganza. Doyle, sitting in a chair on stage, one fixed camera on him, a Bible and a Cell phone the only props. For over an hour he sat and prattled away (presumably to an empty room), reasonably understandable and in a surprisingly strong(ish) voice for an hour and 20 minutes, with no spit bucket in sight, interrupted by a reasonably listenable break: “Jesus Hold My Hand” featuring Terre and The Browns. (This, by the Original Chuckwagon Gang has been long a favorite of this writer). I told you I was bored.

    This set me to wondering. In KSD’s absence, who opens the Cultshack, fires up the camera and streaming gear, and transports the old boy to the joint? Then on to EL Fenix for lunch?

    When I get back from my next AMTRAK jaunt this week, I just might jum into The Good Ship Venus, grab a few Shipley’s Donuts and some Cafe Bustelo (too lazy to find the diacritical), set up nearby and see who does what to who.

    Yeah, I said before I was bored.

    Film at 11…

  • drrevdm1  On June 14, 2024 at 11:28 am


    I’ve been watching a program dated May 25, 2008 and on that program I am talking about Jezebel.
    Today I am after the Jezebel like I have been for years and now I’m going to run some of them out of my presence. God bless….


    Sharp-eyed observers of tis wicked blog may have noted that our ‘comments’ have diminished to a rather minimal level. This is because there is little, if anything, that warrants commenting.

    The recent “announcement” that the Cult Shack has been put up for sale has been met with a gaping yawn. If Doyle was expecting a groundswell of people coming forward and shouting, “NOOOOOO!!!” , he seems to have been disappointed.

    We look forward to the ‘announcement’ of when the CLOSING will be held and the keys transferred to the “new owner”.

    We don’t know much about the local commercial real estate market, but it seems doubtful that Doyle will receive the full asking price of $2,000,000, what with the economy being what it is, the political process and world in flux and no appreciable congregation expected to spill over into the new ‘church’.

    The ‘numbers’ for such a deal seem daunting. But MAYBE there is a Rich Jewish buyer out there waiting to snap up a ‘deal’.

    Assuming a 20% down payment by a buyer (400K) , the amount borrowed would be $1,600,000 which for a 30 year mortgage at 6.5% would result in a monthly payment of $10,113 and change. This does not factor in facility operating costs (which have likely bankrupted Doyle) . Also factor in the cost of having the ‘demon’ exorcised from the property. Clearly a buyer would need to be backstopped by a rather wealthy sugar daddy willing to pour substantial resources into a start up in an obviously aging facility. Such buyers are not readily found, in our humble opinion, waiting behind every tree.

    If there has been any interest—-any at all– in the property, Doyle has not been forthcoming about that. And as everyone who has done real estate ‘deals’ knows, the opening ask is just when the negotiating begins.

    MOL CULT NEGOTTIATING TIP when buying property: “Asking” price NEVER equals “Selling” price.

    Not in this economy, anyway. Buyers lining up to pay “over-asking” is a fantasy they promote on HGTV.

    It does not appear that KSD is “exploring options” to take over the building, as she seems to be devoting her considerable energy and charm to grifting the folks in SB.

    Neither is there any indication that Kaspareit or Antknee are interested in tendering a buy-out offer to Doyle.

    Doyle remains—–based on the ‘content’ of his recent ‘sermons’—–babblingly incoherent. Now he’s decided to take another run at kicking the “Jezebels” out of his Holy Presence. Well, SOME of them, anyway. We wonder WHO the Jezebels ARE that are bothering him and if this is speaking to KSD.

    All of us knew that final decline of WOL CULT / Doyle would not be ‘pretty’ and that is certainly proving to be the case. The whole process seems generally unworthy of comment and no longer worth our time.

    Which is WHY we’ve basically backed away from the commentary.

    Hey, we think we did our job.

  • Boyd  On June 10, 2024 at 2:31 pm

    My guess is that the proceeds will be donated to daughter Kathy’s ministry in Joplin who will list Doylie as an employee with a nice salary until he assumes room temperature.

  • Nick, curious  On June 10, 2024 at 7:59 am

    Was kind of hoping the real estate ad would have some snazzy photos of the interior, especially the “gym” where DD rides hunnerds of miles. And to see his office would be a pleasure. So, brethren, let’s think about this. If the 501(c)(3) is truly in force, and the building sells, some states require the Attorney General’s approval. The proceeds must be used for charitable purposes. Trustees cannot personally benefit from the proceeds. Ergo, is Grandpa just wanting to dump the place? Inquiring minds …

  • roman  On June 9, 2024 at 8:54 am

    Shack for sale:

    1621 18th Street

    Plano, TX 75074

    Land Area: 2.53 ± acres

    Price: $2,000,000

    Building: 16,848 ± sq ft

    Seating: 300 ±

    Parking: 141

    maybe a few apossums could all chip in and save the clubhouse

  • roman  On June 8, 2024 at 2:17 pm

    Cultshack is officially on the market:

    1621 18th Street

    Plano, TX 75074

    Land Area: 2.53 ± acres

    Price: $2,000,000

    Building: 16,848 ± sq ft

    Seating: 300 ±

    Parking: 141

    Here’s the link:

    No pushing, no shoving, no stampeding to grab up this wonderful bargain..

    I guess KSD could not work out a suitable rent-to-own agreement.

  • Doc DuMont  On June 3, 2024 at 8:12 pm

    A labor shortage at the Shack? The Sunday June 2 “show” was an hour and forty two minutes. A two shot and a single of Doyle once or twice. No audience shot at all, and during the Musical Torture there was no video of the “talent”, Just Doyle and KD sitting on stage. He seemed to be surprised to learn that Kathryn Kuhlman had shuffled off this mortal coil, but at end end blessed up all.

    And no spit bucket, Glory Be!

    HQ; Kuhlman died in 1976

  • Doc DuMont  On May 25, 2024 at 8:26 am

    Were she to get the job, does the doublewide parsonage trailer come with the deal?

  • Nick, hopeful  On May 22, 2024 at 7:59 pm

    Uh, oh. This reporter just took a gander via Google Earth at Aunt Kathie’s upcoming venue in South Bend. It appears the parking lot might handle a dozen cars at best. Oh, my. Maybe there’s a Walmart or some other large parking lot nearby so they can provide shuttle service. Other research indicates the founding church pastor might be ready to retire. Perhaps we are witnessing the beginnings of WOLSB? South Bend real estate is mighty affordable right now, especially in the manufactured home market. The mere thought of AK abiding in Hoosierland is almost more than one can hope for.

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